Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My Best Friend

Senior year had come around, that was the year Natasha, and I had become best friends. We had every class together except for one, which gave us the time to be able to connect with one another and to hang out more. It was great to have her in most of my classes because if I did not understand information or even just missed a day of class I knew I would be able to rely on her. Of course, at the same time, I did not go into my senior year the way I had really wanted too. I was on crutches for about two months where I would need help with caring my book to the other classes. It was that time I had realized that no matter what I can always count on Natasha to be there for me no matter what. We would always hang out and that I could trust her with everything. Natasha helped open myself up and her knowing that I was completely shy while she was so outgoing we still manage to make it work. To this day, she still introduces me to new things and is always going to be one of my biggest supporters. Yeah we fight every now and then, but that is normal in a friendship. Even when the fights are huge we know that we both value our friendships more then anything in the world. After everything that we have been through I am proud to call Natasha my best friend. 
This is one of my favorite photos of us from last year. It describes our friendship easily and perfectly. There is never a dull moment where she can't make me laugh. I remember this day like the back of my hand because it was a girl’s weekend. Yeah I know some people get the opportunity to have a girl’s weekend with there best friend, but I don’t really have that option anymore due to school and work. One thing she remembered the most about me that I am hockey fan. For my Christmas present that year, she decided to get us four tickets to a monarch game. That had been my first monarch’s game since I had first moved here. I was excited to be able to go to one of the games that year because I do not get that opportunity often. The game had begun and I was so excited to be at this game and to have a great night. In the first period, the monarchs were winning 1-0, but that did not last long. By the third period, it was tied 3-3 and we knew that it was not going to be a quick game. We decided to leave with 10 minutes left since we were all tired from the long day we had. When we got back to the car that is when everything turned around for us. Other cars at the parking lot, which would mean that we would have to wait forever to get out, had blocked us in and there was nobody there to help us get out. That was when everyone started to come out because overtime was finished and the monarchs won the game, but we had to help direct traffic so that we were able to leave the parking lot. I remembered this the most because even though we might have had a bad day that no matter what there is always something that can easily turn everything around for us.


  1. I really relate to your blog post because I too have a really close best friend from high school. Her name is Carly and we did/do absolutely everything together. Like you said about Natasha, there is really never a dull moment! Its so nice having a best friend that you can always rely on no matter what happens in your life. I also like your choice of topic because its not related to education!

  2. That is such a sweet story about you and your best friend! I also have a best friend from high school. Even though we don't talk every day, we still know we're best friends and know we're always there for each other. I liked your personal story about doing things together and always being fun. Being with your best friend should lighten your day and know someone is always by your side.
