Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Working while attending school

Students going to college often feel as if they never have any money and in most cases, students try to get a job during the school year. My first year at Southern New Hampshire University I felt as if I never had any money to do anything, so I figured why not try to get a job during the school year. I knew that it wouldn’t always be that easy, but it is better to try then not to try. I am at the point where I would look to start paying for some things on my own and not always having to rely on my mom for certain things. I also figured it seems like most people can handle working and going to school at the same time so why shouldn’t I be able to handle it? Well this I got a job at Market Basket and as I can see I am struggling sometimes to manage my time. I work about 25 hours a week, which is good enough to make some money while going to school, but I have noticed lately that I am now struggling to get the sleep and school work finished on time. This got me thinking one day how some people can manage to do both, but then it dawned on me some of the post I used to see on Facebook. It showed that some people were struggling not only to get the sleep they needed but to also keep a social life. It is not always going to be easy to have a social life, but this is the time where students should be making memories with there friends at school. It is not like some people can cut back on hours because in some cases, students really need this money, but they can’t cut all of there friends out either. I think sometimes it can be difficult for students to find the balance besides between school, work, and having a social. At the same time, it can be very easy for some people to do this. Maybe over time I will be able to figure out how to manage it all better. If any of you work and go to school what would be some advice you would give to other students who may be struggling with this?


  1. I relate to this blog post a lot. I grew up living comfortably money wise because I've kept a steady job since I was 14. Since coming to school two years ago, I have also found it challenging to save money and not spend it all on various things you can blow money on in college. I commend you for getting a job working at Market Basket, I can't imagine how hard it is balancing schoolwork, social life, and work all at the same time. I, too wish I could be one of those people who have no trouble finding that balance.

  2. In today's economy it is hard to keep any money especially being a student in college. Some people don't have choice when it comes to having to work and go to school so I feel like that makes it extremely hard for some students. I work about 25 hours a week and sometimes I find myself struggling to stay on top of my school work, but even just trying to hang out with friends. Its great that you have been working since you were 14 and I'm sure that it was not easy doing that and attending school. Maybe in time we will be able to find that balance, but until now all we can do is try.

  3. We have so much in common! I have a job at Hannaford and work about 15 hours a week and can be a struggle sometimes. I completely understand getting a job to have money and it makes me feel proud that we can handle a couple things at once. A social life at college, work, classes, and school work altogether will be challenging especially at the end of the semester when papers are due and finals are happening. The best advice I can give you if it becomes challenging juggling all those at the same time, is spend lots of time at the library and just stay focused on your priorities. I enjoyed reading your blog post!

  4. Yeah I always think 15-20 hours is good enough to work especially during the school year because it can make it easier sometimes to juggle everything. I agree it makes me feel great also. Even though it is my first year working while going to school it does make me feel good that I am able to do it. Some weeks are a little more stressful then others like midterms and finals week will be crazy. Thank you for giving me some advice! I will use it as best as I can!

  5. I can really relate to your post. I work three nights a week now and while it may not seem like much it still cuts into my school work and my social time. Sometimes I even have to bring school work to work! Luckily my bosses are really good about letting me do work while it is slow at the restaurant. I also worked at Shaw's while I was in high school. Being a cashier is definitely not all its cracked up to be. I think that we all need to find the balance between friends, work and school. I am sure you will find it soon! :) Great post and thank you for sharing!

  6. All of you are gaining a valuable experience- working with the public should be a pre-requisite for ALL humans! You will (and probably already have!) learn empathy and patience.
