Thursday, September 11, 2014

Technology Experience

As a child, I moved around a lot because my dad was in the military. I lived in North Carolina for most of Elementary School and we really didn’t have any technology in the classroom besides one computer. That one computer in the classroom was just for the teachers the students were not able to touch the computer. If we needed the computer for any work, we would all have to go down to the computer lab. When I moved to Georgia in sixth grade we didn’t have much technology available as a resource in the classroom. Even if we did have the computer labs or library the teachers would always have to check a month or two in advance so that they could secure a spot for us. Most of the time, the teachers would just have to tell us to find a way to finish the project or paper at home, because it would often be difficult for them to get into the computer lab. Not only would we have to try and do projects in the classes, but we would also have to learn how to type through out sixth grade. It was difficult doing that because they would give us a sheet of paper to cover the keyboard so we wouldn't look down at the keyboard.

When I moved around a lot one of the places I got the chance to live was in Vicenza, Italy. We lived there for about four months, which meant that I went to school there for about two months. It was definitely a new experience for me because in their classrooms they did have smartboards put into their classrooms over the summer. Most students were excited to use this new tool in the classroom. When I first used it, I thought it was better then having to write on the chalkboard or white board. It made getting up in front of the classroom better and made you feel more relaxed. I did end up moving back to the states during seventh grade and that is when I moved to New Hampshire. 

I am sure that not everyone has had the opportunities I have had in my lifetime with not just moving to different places, but with technology in the classrooms. At my middle school, everyone in the seventh grade had laptops in every class. They were old Apple computers that had been previously used by other students. Often students would have trouble with the laptops, which would make it difficult for the student if everyone needed there own laptop in the class that day. High school we didn't have our own laptops, but for the most part the teachers had a hard time when it came to having new technology put into the class. It was often a big issues for most of the teachers when they were getting the smartboards put into the classrooms. Sometimes even the students were able to work the smartboards better then the teachers.  

I hope that for the future Educators or even employees will have a better understanding of the technology they are going to be working with. In some cases, I know that most employees take a course or have a meeting with everyone to learn about the technology. My question is do any of the employees actually get to play around with the technology before using it in the work place. I am certainly no master with technology, but I want to be able to use my resources correctly even if I have to ask another employee. Everyone in the office I believe should have a well enough understanding of what they are using the world before they are to the meeting. Later on in life, I know that I will struggle with trying to use the technology in the world, but that doesn’t mean I wont quit trying until I have a full understanding of what I am doing. 


  1. Gabrielle,

    I was fascinated while reading your experience with technology. It was enlightening to read about how you had the unique opportunity to see the way technology developed in the classroom not only in different parts of the country, but even over in Europe. I too can recall the dreaded keyboard covers they used to make us learn to type with. I’d be curious to know if they still use that method these days to teach typing.

    You mentioned living in Italy for a while. When you returned to the US did you notice a difference in how Italian schools implemented technology and how schools in the United States did? If so, what sort of things differed?

    I was never in a situation where laptops were provided for an entire class, but I can surmise the problems that would arise. Dead batteries or just miscellaneous issues would probably be the most common problem. What were some ways teachers worked around the problem of faulty technology in the classroom?

    In the last couple of paragraphs I think you hit upon the single most important issue when it comes to technology: Teachers having a hard time with it. You said that most employees take a course or have a meeting to learn about the technology. When considering the vast power of technology, can a single meeting lasting for an hour, or two, in duration be called sufficient? At best they will only cover the basics, at worst not even those. Your suggestion that the teachers need to be afforded the time to become familiar with the technology before using it in the classroom would solve the problem in its entirety.

    The last line you wrote was inspiring, because it’s true. Technology advances very quickly and we will struggle to keep up, but that doesn't mean not to try.

    1. When I did move back to the US I did notice that in Italy they use more technology then we do. It was a great experience for me because I was able to use technology more in the classroom and to also be able to use the smart boards before they were introduced to the US. Most of the times the teachers would have us go and work with a student. At the same time that would cause problems for them. I mean if we had a dead battery we would have to go plug the computer in and just work with someone else. With other issues we would have to have someone come and hopefully be able to fix the problem we had.

      I do agree that spending an hour or more in a technology class can also be overwhelming and it can be a lot on the eyes too. So maybe they could do more then one class. It can also be difficult to find the time for the teachers to learn about the new technology being used in the classroom. Teachers would benefit from actually getting the chance to work with the new technology. They wouldn't have to constantly ask other people for help and I feel like that at certain times everyone may need assistance with technology, but then comes the problem of not having enough people to assist them.

  2. That is fantastic that you not only had technological experiences in a few different states, but in a different country as well. Though your experiences in elementary and middle school were a little limited it seems like, I think that it is great you got the chance to see how classrooms in a different country use technology. I do agree with your comment about having the time to learn how to use technology before using it as a resource in future classrooms. With the rate technology is going at now, I can only imagine what other types of resources classrooms will have in the future. I know I would want to know how to use the technology before using it to teach my students. I would want whatever it is that I'm using to be as effective as possible so my future students will be able to succeed and understand the material more.

    1. I wish that I would have had more experience in Elementary and Middle school. I think I could have benefited from more technology usage in the classroom. I also feel like even with our future teachers today they will too struggle with some of the technology we are getting now. I mean everywhere you look there is always a new piece of technology being put out into the world. In other countries they are using more technology then us and are creating new technology faster then we think. I agree that I would love to be know about the technology I am going to be using in the classroom or even just in general. Teaching the people who are going to use this new technology should be a mandatory class. They would all benefit from that class.
